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Our Client Testimonials


Dr. Cristin Lewis

"Profit First has helped me look at things simpler and get a better idea of what is coming out.  It also has helped me shift my energy in a positive way with money. Barb has helped me realize team members that aren't pulling their weight.  She has helped me screen new employees.  She has helped me with overall team morale as well. Simply put I would say Profit First is life-changing and the best thing you could do for yourself and your team.  Barb truly loves and cares for her clients and that is the difference she has from other dental coaches."

Dr. Sabine Purps

“I have had a bookkeeper and a receptionist working the office numbers and in addition to these expenses had to revise them for several hours each month myself, because they were never as precise as they are now. You know that knot in my stomach if someone is fiddling and weezling money? I had it. Now I have full confidence that we are on full steam ahead to have a super successful 2019! Barb has kindly nodded and prodded to elevate my awareness and financial responsibility to the next level. JUST DO IT…It’s like braces- never had a patient saying they wish they never done it- everyone is saying I wish I’d done it 10 years ago!!!”

Dr. Robin Steely

“If you are tired of not having money in the bank and under control, profit first is the best way that I know of to move things in a different direction.”

Dr Nick Gardener

“Certain that I was about to see the end of my dental business, I reached out to an old friend. BarbStackhouse and I met years ago while she was in Arizona and solidified our friendship when the AGD held its annual meeting in Nashville, TN. Other practice management systems can not produce the results possible with Profit First. That bold statement is evidenced by the current state of my practice.Two years after what I was sure was the demise of my practice, under the Profit First system I was positioned to survive a complete shutdown from mid-March until early June, and a limited (50%) re-opening until the third week of August 2020. My team was paid full compensation while no income was realized for over 10 weeks. We are stronger today than when we closed in March! Barb fluently translates the language of Profit First into words all dentists can comprehend. The best solution is always the simple one, this system is proof. Read the book, do the work and enjoy the fruits of your labor."


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