What will Your New Year Look Like?

business growth dental profit coach profit first for dentists Dec 31, 2024

It’s New Years Eve Day 2024.  Tonight, we ring in the New Year of 2025.  I hope you’ll take a moment of reflection and think about what you’ve learned in the past year.  You see, we are either moving forward and growing or we are sliding back into the past. We don’t just dangle at a standstill.  There is always movement happening.  Which way is it for you?  In many ways 2024 was a tough year for me but there were many shining moments and a clear path forward emerged. 

I’m here today to share with you some of my own growth and what the future looks like for Profit First for Dentists.  First off, I’m super excited to share my new book with you!  It’s a guidebook, like a workbook as a companion to my book, Profit First for Dentists. I’ve learned a lot over the past 5 years since writing Profit First for Dentists, and I wanted to share it with you, my readers, dentists, who are looking to uplevel their profitability.  This guidebook will help you get the most out of Profit First for Dentists.  I will be posting more about the details of this next week.  Just note, the official publishing date is January 23rd, 2025. 

I’ve also put together my tried and true 6 Step Blueprint for Dental Sales system into a full on training and coaching program.  I’m hosting a free webinar to share the complete system – yes, all the steps and how to succeed in selling dentistry without using manipulation or feeling icky about it.  I hope you’ll be able to join me on Wednesday evening January 29th for this webinar.  It will be at 5 PM Central time.  Be on the lookout for a registration link in the next few weeks.  I’ll be sending out an email as well as posting it on all my social channels. 

I'll be attending some dental meetings this year to share more about Profit First for Dentists.  If you have a meeting or event and are looking for a speaker, I’d be happy to be your choice.  Profit First for Dentists is a simple system and a beautiful solution to the struggles of increased overhead and reduced reimbursement fees.  If this topic is of interest, please reach out.  I’d love to talk with you.  Email me at [email protected]

Most of all I want to wish you a Prosperous and Joyful New Year for 2025!  Take some time these next few days to set your own goals and vision for the year ahead.  I hope Profit First will be a part of your goals! 

Happy New Year!


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