After assessing your debt situation, it's time to develop a Debt Reduction Plan. To pay down your loans faster, you need additional cash flow (profit) in your business.
The Profit First model is...
Dentistry is an expensive profession. The cost of dental school and the investment required to open or purchase a practice often result in significant debt. Most dentists I work with are still...
Once you’ve set up your five Profit First bank accounts, the next step is figuring out the allocation percentages so you can start transferring funds each week. This is where you'll see the...
Every clinic wants to increase its patient base, but how do you manage that growth effectively without stretching your resources too thin?
When it comes to growing your practice, it’s vital...
Many dentists I talk with think that the key to growing their practice is simply increasing how much they produce. They often have a yearly target, which is great for setting goals, but from what...
As a dentist, you likely find yourself juggling multiple responsibilities each day, with time slipping away faster than you can keep up. My mission is to simplify money management in your practice...
As a skilled dentist and business owner, you should be rewarded for all the risks you’ve taken, the hard work, and the time you've put into your practice. That's why profit is so important. ...
There are four core principles in the profit first system.
The first one is the principle of Small Plates. Since the early 1900’s the size of a dinner plate has changed from about...
I’m grateful for you today as you are here reading this seventh of nine blog posts in my series, The Business of Owning a Dental Practice. I’ve been sharing a new blog post each...
This is number six blogpost in this series The Business of Owning a Dental Practice. If you haven’t read the first five blogs in this series, please take some time and check...
This is blog number four in the Business of Owning a Dental Practice series. So far we’ve talked about Technical Training vs Business Training in the first blog and last week...
This is the third blogpost in the Business of Owning a Dental Practice series. Today’s topic is Debt. Primarily I’m going to talk about Business Debt but you could...
If you think about your dental practice, I’m sure you’ll find you have a daily rhythm to things. Most of us would say we have personal daily rhythms as well.
We tend to rise and...
Every dentist I speak with who owns their practice has high hopes of paying off their debts someday and then selling the practice. Paying off debt not only releases a tremendous amount of stress...