When business feels overwhelming and heavy, put some FUN in your day!
Oct 08, 2024
Ever feel like running a dental office and all the financial obligations that go with it are weighing you down? It can feel heavy and overwhelming. The days can feel like they all start to run together.
In the midst of any business, the owner can sometimes feel like they’re on a hamster wheel. I know it happens to me too.
What do you do to pull yourself up and out of these trying times? Do you have a daily routine or time that you take just for yourself to nurture your own needs.
How do you make each day have some FUN in it?
For me, one of the best times of my day is when I go out in the evening to feed my animals. I made a video of it and posted it on my YouTube channel.
Watch it here: https://youtu.be/9Af_JVLFQUU
Be sure to add some Fun into your day!
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