When you think about your dental practice, you’ll likely notice a daily rhythm to your activities. Similarly, most of us have personal routines that we follow each day. These rhythms create...
Transitions take time. When you decide to switch to the Profit First system and start taking action, you’ll likely face some challenges. It’s a new approach, and new things can be...
Being self-employed comes with its own set of highs and lows. There are days when the workload feels endless, and you might question whether the freedom you sought in starting your own business is...
Once an entrepreneur starts funding the Profit and Tax Accounts, these funds begin to accumulate. Over time, as the cash grows, you might be tempted to reinvest it all back into the business....
Hi, all!
Today, I want to talk to you about money behaviors. We all have certain behaviors and emotions about money. When you own a business, those behaviors and emotions can be even more...