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How Can I Create Consistent Cash Flow in My Practice? cash cash flow dental practice profitability pay off debt Jul 01, 2024

This is the fifth and final segment in our series on the Core Principles of the Profit First for Dentists method. Let’s focus on the last principle: Enforce a Rhythm.

Dentists often find...

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Dealing with Benefit Plans budgeting cash flow dental benefit plans dental practice ownership May 06, 2024

Today, we're focusing on a particularly pertinent topic in the dental community: managing benefit plans. This subject is increasingly relevant, and many professionals dedicate their expertise to...

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Disclosing the Truth business growth business leadership business management business training cash flow financial management leadership money management production profit first profitability technical skills May 14, 2022

Hello, everyone!

When you want to tell a patient about the state of their oral health, what do you do? Most dentists use a disclosing tool to tell patients the truth about their oral health because...

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The Profit First Solution business growth business leadership business management business training cash flow cashflow financial management leadership money management production profit first profitability technical skills Apr 23, 2022

How would you answer the question, “Why isn’t my dental practice profitable enough?”

Many people would say the reason they aren’t profitable enough is that they aren’t...

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The Business of Owning a Practice – GAAP business growth business leadership business management business training cash flow financial management leadership money management production profit first profitability technical skills Apr 02, 2022

Hey everyone! Thank you for sticking around with me for the last video of this series!

Are you a small business and/or a dentist that is in need of keeping your profit? Are you struggling a bit...

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The Business of Owning a Practice - Expenses business growth business leadership business management business training cash flow financial management leadership money management production profit first profitability technical skills Mar 26, 2022

So many dentists that I talk with seem to be asking the same question: where is all the money going?

They’re working hard, getting new clients, and feel like things are going well, and yet, at...

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Business of Owning a Practice - Benefit Plans business growth business leadership business management business training cash flow financial management leadership money management production profit first profitability technical skills Mar 12, 2022

This week we are talking all about dealing with benefit plans in your dental practice. You can watch the video here!

There are many coaches and consultants out there who specifically work with...

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The Need to Be Profitable business efficiency business plan business tips cash flow customer experience customer satisfaction high performing business patient experience profit profit first Jan 09, 2022

What if I told you that focusing on profit would actually allow you to provide a better patient experience? While some people may fear that prioritizing profit is a selfish act that creates...

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