After assessing your debt situation, it's time to develop a Debt Reduction Plan. To pay down your loans faster, you need additional cash flow (profit) in your business.
The Profit First model is...
When you think about your dental practice, you’ll likely notice a daily rhythm to your activities. Similarly, most of us have personal routines that we follow each day. These rhythms create...
Last week, I shared how to input your own statistics into the table, allowing you to evaluate your current allocation percentages. If you haven’t completed the assessment yet, you won’t...
When I work with my students, I always start by having them set up one extra account called Profit. This simple step can make a huge difference. Profit First is a behavioral system that leverages...
Dreaming about paying off your debts and selling your practice? Paying off debt not only removes a huge weight off of your shoulders as a dental practice owner, but it also sets you up for a...
Principle number 3 of the Profit First for Dentists system is to remove temptation.
Once an entrepreneur begins to fund the Profit Account and the Tax Account, money will begin to accumulate. ...
This is number six blogpost in this series The Business of Owning a Dental Practice. If you haven’t read the first five blogs in this series, please take some time and check...